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A brilliant SaaS for a fantastic experience

SaaSduo builds software and platforms Read more

ie. Managed services software (...)
ie. Resource module (...)
ie. Interactive platform (...)

Why you'll love working with us


Frictionless user journey


Specific functions and modules


Prototype and A/B testing


Measure for informed decisions


Personalized objects and content


Available 24/7 on all channels


A box for centralized processes


Free to modify without limits


Your brand identity first

Tadam! Our resources to orchestrate your ideas

Premier To transform your ideas into neo-platforms Read

Client case Luggit for Bus Terrace Technologies

Logical for specific customised software Read

Client case Pret for JAB Holdings

Fluence for captivating informative online experiences Read

Client case Uno-X for Reitan Retail

Elastic for cloud services, assets, and prototypes Read

Client case Kier for Kier Group PLC

Ahoy! A logical synergy with our positrons

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Customized features and interfaces for SMEs and industry leaders in SaaS and PaaS

Image 2

Pay only for what you use, with transparent and predictive billing starting from £0.01 per log (1)

Image 3

Synchronization of your favorite tools and integration of third-party partner API services

Image 4

No download required with accessibility from a web browser, unless otherwise requested



From ideation to programming your solution with custom functions and a fascinating and enjoyable experience — With rigorous adherence to the latest standards of accessibility and reliability.



We host your solution with AWS (global leader) — As well as on our independent server with redundancies and backups to deploy updates, make it available every day, and secure your data and infrastructure.



Available 24/7 to assist you and apply edits or fixes — It's essential to know each customer individually and engage personally — Always recommended by our clients, our NPS score (93/100) is remarkable.

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and the Google Terms of Service apply. Other related pages and content; access the billing profile, read our terms, read our career opportunities, ouvrir la page dans la langue Français FR.

(1) Monthly billing at the end of a programming period for your solution. Unique creation fees apply based on the project.

To contact SaaSduo, please email: mail@saasduo.com or call +44 7723 501018. SaaSduo welcomes you Monday to Friday from 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 6pm (local time) in its comfortable and cozy offices located in the historic Covent Garden district in London. SaaSduo is a branch of Synergius LTD; please contact us for press information or to receive a communication kit — All rights reserved Copyright © 2024 Synergius LTD, registered with Companies House (UK) under number 13344127.

Disclaimer: SaaSduo disclaims any misuse by end users and the content transmitted on the solutions. No quantitative, policy, geographical, or thematic restrictions apply to client activities. The security of end users on the solutions is a priority in our operations, in accordance with best practices and local legal requirements within the scope of the client product's operation. Moderation actions based on reports may be carried out by SaaSduo without prior notice. The infrastructures and data of the solutions are compartmentalized and sealed to ensure the protection and rigorous confidentiality of our clients' technical and informative properties. Valid certifications as of today's date: ISO 27001, SOC3, and SOC2 type 2, EU General Data Protection Regulation, TRUSTe by TrustArc.